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Black Line On Toenail Horizontal Crack: Is It Melanonychia or Splinter Hemorrhage?[^2^]


The nail is composed of three main parts: the nail plate (the actual nail), the nail bed (what the nail plate rests on) and the nail matrix (where the nail is formed). The part of the nail affected will determine the symptoms that show in your nail. Pits, horizontal lines, deformity, discoloration, onycholysis (lifting of the nail plate from the nail bed), brittle nails that crumble or splinter, and thickening of the nails can all be signs that nail psoriasis is present.

Black Line On Toenail Horizontal Crackl

Apart from my pinky fingernails, every one of my fingernails is affected by nail psoriasis in some way, shape or form. My thumbnails feel heavy and have V-shaped peaks, horizontal ridges, cuticles and hangnails that crack and bleed. My ring, middle and index fingernails are brittle, have splinter hemorrhages (tiny blood spots that appear underneath fingernails and toenails) and break in a way that reminds me of peeling away the layers of a biscuit.

Habits such as nail biting and cuticle biting also can cause trauma to the nails. Nail biting is a main cause of acute paronychia, a type of infection in which bacteria get underneath the tissue at the side of the nail and cause swelling and irritation. Repetitive picking at your thumb's nail and cuticle with your index finger can produce a line of horizontal hatch marks in the middle of the nail. In extreme cases, the nail can split.

If you do notice some horizontal lines across your nails, it's best to touch base with your derm straight away to make sure there's no systemic condition that might be halting your normal nail growth.

These are paired white lines that occur horizontally across the nail bed and do not move with nail growth. They typically cross the entire nail bed and are homogenous in appearance. In contrast to traumatic lines, they usually appear on more than one nail and fade with compression. 2ff7e9595c


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