var pid = parseInt(307619);if ( pid > ipb.topic.topPid )ipb.topic.topPid = pid;// Show multiquote for JS browsersif ( $('multiq_307619') )$('multiq_307619').show();if( $('toggle_post_307619') )$('toggle_post_307619').show();// Add perm dataipb.topic.deletePerms[307619] = 'canDelete' : 0, 'canSoftDelete' : 0 ;Re: OpenPLIi 3 & Mgcamd 1.38#3ckone
Enigma2 Mgcamd 1.38 Ipk
Download File:
WaveFrontier 28.2E 23.5E 19.2E 16E 13E 10/9E 7E 5E 1W 4/5W 15Wvar pid = parseInt(307917);if ( pid > ipb.topic.topPid )ipb.topic.topPid = pid;// Show multiquote for JS browsersif ( $('multiq_307917') )$('multiq_307917').show();if( $('toggle_post_307917') )$('toggle_post_307917').show();// Add perm dataipb.topic.deletePerms[307917] = 'canDelete' : 0, 'canSoftDelete' : 0 ;Re: OpenPLIi 3 & Mgcamd 1.38#9Carl
good evening The Mgcamd_1.38c ssl1.0_all.ipk-file gives no result. I get a black screen. As I can not uninstall it, or rather I don't know how to uninstall it manually, I'll flash the box for a new installation OpenPli 4 image. Then I will test the second file (mgcamd_1.38c-ssl1.0_mipsel.ipk).
Your issue might not actually be the software in this case is probably working fine which btw you can test via putty with certain shell commands that should return info if the software is indeed working!!!...the issue could be your mg_cfg and/or server details being inputted incorrectly!!
Mgcamd 1.38c is in the openpli feeds & works fine on the latest 4.0 on my Solo2 machine. The only difference configuring it from PLI3.0 is the boxtype, on PLI3.0 i had to set this to Dreambox on PLI4.0 set it to auto detect & it should clear fine.
Asmention above Mgcamd is on the open pli feeds you can install using the plugins menu or using telnet and type the following opkg update then opkg install enigma2-plugin-softcams-mgcamd they both work tested by me.Cheers
Для Openbox S (SX)MGcamd1.38_NEXT_One_by_LeoДля ATVenigma2-plugin-softcams-mgcamd-openatv_1.38_mips32elДля Blacke Holee2-plugin-softcams-mgcamd-bh_1.38_mips32elДля HDMUenigma2-plugin-softcams-mgcamd-hdmu_1.38_mips32elДля Open Plienigma2-plugin-softcams-mgcamd-1.38-srf-r0.openpli.mipsel 2ff7e9595c