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Genetic variants are implicated in the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but it is unclear whether the burden of rare variants in ALS genes has an effect on survival. We performed whole genome sequencing on 8 familial ALS (FALS) patients with superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutation and whole exome sequencing on 46 sporadic ALS (SALS) patients living in Hong Kong and found that 67% had at least 1 rare variant in the exons of 40 ALS genes; 22% had 2 or more. Patients with 2 or more rare variants had lower probability of survival than patients with 0 or 1 variant (p = 0.001). After adjusting for other factors, each additional rare variant increased the risk of respiratory failure or death by 60% (p = 0.0098). The presence of the rare variant was associated with the risk of ALS (Odds ratio 1.91, 95% confidence interval 1.03-3.61, p = 0.03), and ALS patients had higher rare variant burden than controls (MB, p = 0.004). Our findings support an oligogenic basis with the burden of rare variants affecting the development and survival of ALS. Copyright 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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to prepare the aluminum melts with desired chemical compositions. Table 1. Chemical compositions of the starting materials. Alloy Mg Fe Cr Si Ni Al...Al 0.001 0.11 0.001 0.04 0.005 bal. Alloy Al Fe Cr Si Ni Mg Mg 0.01 0.12 0.001 0.03 0.006 bal. The ingots were initially cut to chunks with...hours. Figure 26 shows the optical micrographs obtained from the ingots after nitridation reaction of the alloys initially containing Al- 5wt .% Si

Oxide nanoparticles in oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels with and without Al have been characterized by transmission electron microscopy. It is confirmed that most of the complex oxide particles consist of Y2TiO5 for 18Cr-ODS steel and YAlO3 or YAl5O12 for 18Cr5Al-ODS steel, respectivley. The addition of 5% Al in 18Cr-ODS steel leads to the formation of larger oxide particles and the reduction in their number density. For 18Cr-ODS steel, 87% of the oxide particles are coherent. The misfit strain of the coherent particles and a few semi-coherent particles is about 0.034 and 0.056, respectively. For 18Cr5Al-ODS steel, 75% of the oxide particles are semi-coherent, of which the misfit strain is 0.091 and 0.125, respectively. These results suggest that for the Al-containing ODS steel the Al addition accelerates the formation of semi-coherent oxide particles and its larger coherent and semi-coherent particles result in the larger misfit strain between the oxide particle and alloy matrix, indicating that the coherence of oxide nanoparticles in ODS steels is size-dependent.

Remote user authentication is desirable for a Telecare Medicine Information System (TMIS) for the safety, security and integrity of transmitted data over the public channel. In 2013, Tan presented a biometric based remote user authentication scheme and claimed that his scheme is secure. Recently, Yan et al. demonstrated some drawbacks in Tan's scheme and proposed an improved scheme to erase the drawbacks of Tan's scheme. We analyze Yan et al.'s scheme and identify that their scheme is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attack, and does not protect anonymity. Moreover, in their scheme, login and password change phases are inefficient to identify the correctness of input where inefficiency in password change phase can cause denial of service attack. Further, we design an improved scheme for TMIS with the aim to eliminate the drawbacks of Yan et al.'s scheme.

Aluminum 7075-T651 and 7075-T6 are characterized at quasi-static and high strain rates to determine Johnson-Cook (J-C) strength and fracture model constants. Constitutive model constants are required as input to computer codes to simulate projectile (fragment) impact or similar impact events on structural components made of these material. J-C strength model constants (A, B, n, C, and m) for the two alloys are determined from tension stress-strain data at room and high temperature to 250^oC. J-C strength model constants for Al7075-T651 are: A=527 MPa, B=676 MPa, n=0.71, C=0.017, and m=1.61 and for Al7075-T6: A = 546 MPa, B = 674 MPa, n = 0.72, C = 0.059, and m =1.56. J-C fracture model constants are determined form quasi-static and high strain rate/high temperature tests on notched and smooth tension specimens. J-C fracture model constants for the two alloys are: Al7075-T651; D1 = 0.110, D2 = 0.573, D3= -3.4446, D4 = 0.016, and D 5= 1.099 and Al7075-T6; D1= 0.451 D2= -0.952 D3= -.068, D4 =0.036, and D5 = 0.697. 2ff7e9595c


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